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The Super 8 Halal Vitamins for Seniors

The Super 8 Halal Vitamins for Seniors

As we age, we begin to experience several changes in our body, some positive and some , negative. One negative factor is that our body starts to require less calories but more nutrients. Absorbing nutrients from food becomes difficult and our bodies become increasingly in need of vitamins and minerals that previously had sufficient amounts.. To provide our body with the right amount of nutrients, it is important to know what vitamins are necessary for the 50+ population. Some people are already aware of this fact may want to overdo with vitamins and supplements. Remember this population may already be on several medications that can interact so it is imperative to take the right portions of vitamins and minerals for optimal health. Here, are some halal vitamins and minerals vital for needed energy and wellbeing in our elderly population.

1. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a member of the B-vitamin complex family. This vitamin , also known as cobalamin, helps convert the food we eat into fuel for the body to use. Because the B-vitamins help the body use carbohydrates, proteins and fats, they are necessary for healthy skin, eyes, hair and liver. Cobalamin also plays a crucial role in the optimal functioning of both the nervous and immune systems; it helps maintain healthy nerve cells and helps iron work better in the body. With growing age, nerve transmissions to body organs is delayed and in worst cases, disrupted.. Vitamin B12 can help avoid nerve malfunctioning. Thus, it is clear that our senior population maintains healthy levels of halal Vitamin B12 in their body. This will ensure that they avoid any issues in their skin, eyes as well as nervous and immune systems.

2. Vitamin C

Another key halal vitamin for the senior population is Vitamin C. This antioxidant increases overall body immunity and is critical for iron absorption in the body. Vitamin C also saves from oxidative damage caused to body cells by free radicals. Old people are more prone to develop chronic diseases and so, they require greater amounts of immunity strengthening vitamins than the young ones. Maintaining an intake of Vitamin C of at least 400 mcg daily can provide our seniors with the necessary halal vitamin needed for good fortification against disease and free radicals.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essentially and highly needed for all the stages of life. From infants to seniors, vitamin D is what supports your wellbeing and health. Besides helping in the absorption of calcium and maintaining bone health, it saves from a number of chronic diseases*. Vitamin D reduces the possibilities of developing cancers, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.. Unfortunately, aging reduces our ability to absorb vitamin D from the sun. Therefore, to maintain a healthy concentration of halal vitamin D in the body, supplementation is a must. The Linus Pauling Institute recommends daily 800 IU of Vitamin D for the elderly.

4. Calcium

Having adequate levels of calcium in your body is a preventative measure against osteoporosis. Calcium regulates muscle activity in the body and for the elderly, heart diseases are a common occurrence. Healthy calcium levels minimize these risks by maintaining normal heart beat and blood clotting abilities. With the elderly population though, calcium does not function as efficiently as it does with the younger population. Therefore maintaining a healthy calcium intake in old age is also recommended. It prevents weakened bones , muscle spasms and fractures. The National Institute of Health recommends 1200 mg per day of calcium for the elderly; this is also applicable in terms of necessary level of halal calcium for the elderly.

5. Folate

Folate is another B-vitamin that is touted for its amazing impressions on cognition. Folate helps to improve brain activity, which experiences a decline as you cross your 50s. Older people are easily vexed and displeased because of disturbing body conditions. If folate is incorporated in the diet, it can help to deal with the irks — as they occur — and improve mood. Among older people, memory loss is quite prevalent. Again, folate will help to retain memory for a relatively longer period than normal. Scientists suggest raising the intake of folic acid, through a well-managed diet and supplementation for heart health for the elderly; 1000 micrograms daily will fulfill the body's folate requirements of elderly.

6. Iron

Iron is one of the most essential minerals your body requires to make red blood cells. These blood cells carry oxygen and transport it to all body organs for regular functioning. In the older age, iron becomes more necessary because the process of cellular development is slowed. Health experts suggest that iron deficiency can be the first likely reason of an underlying health problem. In this respect, iron deficiency has been proven to be the second most common cause of anemia in older adults. Iron is found in many routine meals, like dark green leafy vegetables, meat and in fortified food also. If you are witnessing deficiency symptoms, look for iron supplementation which can be found in a multivitamin. . Iron supplements can help to reduce the body’s vulnerability to a number of chronic diseases, such as, ulcers, tumors, colon cancer, and others caused by low blood levels. Remember, to retain all the benefits of halal vitamins for seniors, it is best to seek halal-certified iron supplements.

7. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids come out of fish oil and they have many positive impacts on bodily organs. It is particularly helpful in old age when vision and immunity becomes weakened. Fish oil is known to provide basic defense against and treat AMD (age-related macular degeneration), a vision impairment that occurs in older adults. Omega 3 also sustains the brain’s structure and function as we age, possibly reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.* Herring, walnuts and flaxseeds, besides fish oil supplementations, act as wholesome sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

8. Fiber

The most common health problem found in the elderly are malabsorption, nutritional deficiency and constipation. The best cure to treat these problems is to introduce fiber into our diets.. Fiber stimulates intestinal motility and fights against constipation. It cleans up the body by sticking to the toxins found in various organs and helps in their removal from the body. Fiber is known to regulate glucose levels, maintain a healthy blood pressure and lower cholesterol. This protects us from diabetes,cholesterol and heart diseases. Moreover, fiber also aids in weight loss, by making the consumer feeling full and satiated for a longer period of time, thus causing them to consume less calories*. The key sources of fiber are whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lentils. The National Academy of Medicine has set a daily dietary recommendation for elderly. It is 31 grams for men and 21 grams for women over 50 of age.

Bottom Line

Taking care of ourselves as we age is critical as our bodily functions slow and immune system weakens. we can begin by incorporating a wholesome diet in daily routines. The wholesome diet is a combination of vitamin rich fruits, vegetables, dairy, poultry and meats. Resorting to Halal vitamins and mineral supplements can compensate any deficiencies and meet all your needs. Regardless of your age group, halal certified vitamins are optimal in helping you receive all the benefits you need from your supplements. Noor Vitamins provides vitamins and supplements for all age groups including those seeking a complete multivitamin to combat aging and decreased energy. Here is a list of our products. Browse around and find your perfect fit.
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